Bush Quotes

Friday, January 5, 2007

This says so much...

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is reportedly quoted by The Wall Street Journal as saying that he never wanted his job and wished he could quit. Wow. If that doesn't instill a vote of confidence that we are ever going to get out of this quagmire or that Iraq isn't going to one day completely implode into a full scale civil war instead of just remaining in the 90% civil war that is currently underway. Thank god that President Decider is planning on placing between 20,000 and 40,000 more of our troops into harms way. Talk about sticking your dick into a bees hive. We've already got what, 140,000 troops there? Are 30,000 more troops really going to make two Islamic sects that have hated each other for about 1500 years wake up and suddenly decide, "hey, you know what? We should put our differences aside so that we can live in peace and harmony. After all, isn't Iraq the land of milk and honey?" When their current leader doesn't really want to be there, why on earth should more of our men and women be placed in harms way? Is it because W is too egotistical to say that maybe he fucked up and made a wrong decision somewhere along the line? I can't wait for about thirty years to pass so that historians can take a true look back on his presidency and cement the label onto his forehead as "Worst President Ever."

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