Bush Quotes

Monday, February 12, 2007

Erronious Fabricated Propaganda (EFP's)

Here's a fun posting from Art. Very happy stuff.

Can you believe this bullshit? These losers never quit. Now for anyone who didn’t smell bullshit when the WMD (weapons of mass distraction) were used to trick fuck the public into the war with Iraq I feel bad for you and I hope you got your nose cleaned out. If you can’t smell the bullshit second time around with the EFP’s you must be up to your neck in it and just can’t smell it at all anymore. So Iran has been subversively and secretly supplying Iraq with EFP’s - Explosive Formed Penetrators or something along that line – essentially big bullets that go through tough stuff like armored vehicles - they were so sneaky about it they left the serial numbers on this ammo which is the equivalent of a return address. Either they are as stupid as the A - holes running our nation or there is something else going on here. But hey, it has been pretty obvious for a while now the administration isn’t happy with the just about completely fucking our country with the war in Iraq, they want to get us in so far that we’ll never get out until we are a third world nation by going into Iran at the same time. I’m so jaded now I hardly give a shit but I still do not like to be lied to. So, I suggest Bush just declare himself the fascist dictator that he is and declare war on the world like he is doing anyway and quit lying to us! You are an evil fucking bastard who wants to take over the world. Just say it, it’s OK. Hell I’m so fucking over it I might even support you if you just came clean with the nation. We are the evil empire! Accept it, it’s not so bad, there are lots of perks actually.

Well, that’s enough for me, I’m going to go do my part and grind my boot heel into the skull of a defenseless kitten. That should make me feel like a real American about now.

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