Bush Quotes

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Movie review

So I went to go see "The Good Shepherd" today. You know, the movie starring Matt Damon about the birth of the CIA. I had high hopes for this movie, DeNiro directs it, Matt Damon isn't usually that bad, and how can you go wrong with Angelina Jolie. She's not the best actress, but usually she at least dignifies her existence by getting naked on screen. Plus, it's about one of the greatest time periods ever regarding spies, the end of WWII through the cold war. All sounds promising, right? I was bored. Matt Damon had the same expression and spoke in the same vocal tones in every situation throughout the entire 2 hrs and 40 minutes. Speaking to a deaf girl? Boring. Making out with Angelina? Boring. Watching a Russian spy being beaten and then tripping on LSD? Boring. after a while I was just hoping for him to put some emotion, anything at all really into it, but nope, it seemed just too much to ask from him. Almost as bad, even though this movie covered over 20 years, Damon never seemed to age, his son grows up, no change, his wife looks like her face is falling off from all the fake wrinkles they put on Ms Jolie, he's still the same. Too many problems with this movie, not even including the inherent lack of anything resembling action. No where near as bad as some other movies that are out right now, that's right, I'm looking at you Mr Ben Stiller (not that he can act anyways or be funny without the aid of Vince Vaughn,) but I certainly wouldn't see this again.

In other news, Saddam is dead, as much as he was OBVIOUSLY a terrible person, shouldn't we still respect life and death enough to not have to wake up to images of him seconds before he dies with a noose around his neck or his dead body minutes after? I realize that we are a voyeuristic society and all, but still, the guy got the punishment most feel he deserved, now let's be done with it and not provide even more ammunition for those who hate our way of life by brandishing images of his corpse all over our media. That's just how I feel though, I may be wrong.

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