Bush Quotes

Friday, January 26, 2007

Most Loathsome

I love how this administration brands any vocal dissident as someone who emboldens the enemy. What the hell is that about? I realize that W. wants this to be a dictatorship, after all, he makes the decisions as all the news media was saying this morning, but isn't this country founded upon the notion that we are supposed to question our leaders? Some days I get so irate I swear that I'm just gonna start listening to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and let my mind succumb to the brainwashing that the right will eventually force upon us all. It'll just be easier. Until that time though, here's a link to the 50 most loathsome individuals of 2006. Good times, I particularly liked the one about Ann Coulter. Granted, she is one of the most evil people on earth, she makes Sean Hannity look like Jimmy Carter, but maybe she'll get hit by a cement truck or something one of these days and we can all sleep better. Ah, life's little dreams.

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