Bush Quotes

Thursday, January 25, 2007


When was the last time you went sledding? We went today, all of us over 26, and I'll tell you what, that was fun. Granted, I never realized that sledding was so tiring, you always forget about the climb up the hill, but man, I can't wait to go again. I remember growing up, my dad used to make us a slide out in our backyard. Sometimes he would be out there for what seemed like hours, perfecting each little section, using milk crates to increase the height on some curves, hell, I even remember him putting water on it when it was gonna be really cold. The funny thing was that it was a pretty small backyard, but for us, it was great. The year he didn't make it my brother and I were out there trying to make it ourselves. Never quite turned out as good, but it was still good enough for hours of enjoyment. Anyways, if you have snow in your area, try it again, go be a kid, after all, there's nothing wrong with not growing up.

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